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How to make Hot udon soup recipe.(Kake udon / Toshiake udon)うどんスープの作り方(かけうどんレシピ)


▼ Behind the shooting
I introduced a recipe for warm soba at the end of the year.
In Japan, there is a culture of eating soba at the end of the year.
* It is called [Toshikoshi soba]


In some cases, udon is eaten at the beginning of the new year.
* Say [New Year udon = Toshi ake udon]


"Soba at the end of the year, udon noodles at the beginning of the year"


I think it started with a joke about the udon company, but many Japanese now know it.


I wanted to talk, so this time I made a recipe for udon in January.


* By the way, if you change the noodles to soba, it will change to warm soba (´ ▽ ` *)





How to make Hot udon soup recipe.(Kake udon / Toshiake udon)[Easy Japanese Recipe]



Hot udon soup recipe.(Kake udon / Toshiake udon)(Japanese rice porridge recipe)



[Ingredients](1 serving)

● Udon noodles : 90-100g



[Hot udon Soup]

● Water : 300g
● Dashinomoto : 2g (bonito fish soup stock)
● Soy sauce : 18g
● Mirin : 18g
● Sugar : 2g



[Toppings / Seasonings]

● Kamaboko : a little (fish past)
● Green onion : a little

*Depending on the manufacturer, the seasoning may taste slightly thicker or thinner, so please adjust it to your liking.



How to make Hot udon soup recipe.(Kake udon / Toshiake udon)[Thorough commentary]



Water 300g
水 300g


Dashinomoto 2g (Bonito fish soup stock)
だしの素 2g


Soy sauce 18g
醤油 18g


Mirin 18g
みりん 18g


Sugar 2g
砂糖 2g




Bring to a boil.



Let's boil the udon


I used frozen udon.






It is all done!
Please try making it.(´▽`*)





If you look at this site or YouTube, you will be able to easily cook Japanese food.


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Below is Japanese.



*【年越しそば=Toshikoshi soba】といいます


*【年明けうどん=Toshiake udon】と言います








*ちなみに、麺をそばに変えると温かいそばに変わります( ´▽` *)






[材料](1 人前)

● うどん : 90-100g




● 水 : 300g
● だしの素 : 2g
● 醤油 : 18g
● みりん : 18g
● 砂糖 : 2g



[調味料 / 薬味]

● 青ネギ : 適量
● かまぼこ : 適量







Water 300g
水 300g


Dashinomoto 2g (Bonito fish soup stock)
だしの素 2g


Soy sauce 18g
醤油 18g


Mirin 18g
みりん 18g


Sugar 2g
砂糖 2g




Bring to a boil.



Let's boil the udon


I used frozen udon.






It is all done!
Please try making it.(´▽`*)




Thank you!!












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