Tempura recipes Hiyayakko / Chilled tofu sauce.(Tuna, cucumber, sesame oil dressing) ツナとキュウリの豆腐冷奴 Niku-Dofu 肉豆腐 Sesame dressing & Tofu Salad ごまドレッシング&豆腐サラダ Hiyayakko with Tempura bits & Hiyayakko sauce. たぬき冷奴 / 天かす冷奴 Tofu Nanban. (Fried Firm Tofu with Vinegar & Tartar sauce.) 豆腐南蛮 Tofu Zosui.(Japanese rice porridge) 豆腐雑炊 Iri Dofu. (Tofu scramble with eggs) 炒り豆腐 Hiyayakko topped umeboshi paste & cucumber sauce 梅キュウリの冷奴 Tomato & Perilla leaves + Salad Dressing トマトと紫蘇の葉/大葉の冷奴